Tell the Story Podcast
I couldn't think of a better way to wrap up the school year with my newcomer students than by creating a podcast!
I am ending the school year with 16 newcomers. This is my students' first year in the US and their first course to learn English as an additional language, acculturate, and begin their immersion in the US school system. Throughout the school year, we engaged in many lessons where students had the opportunity to grow emotionally, academically, linguistically, and socially. Stories after stories and activities after activities, my students had the space and time to process their experiences and continue developing their identity as learners while making connections and creating interactions. The core of everything we do in my newcomers' course is HUMANITY. Growing and developing our humanity FIRST is more important than anything else. I hope you enjoy listening to their learning experiences. Process:
This is my ________ school year in the US. I am in _________ class. My first favorite lesson this school year (semester) was _____________, because ___________. My second favorite lesson this school year (semester) was __________, because ____________. My third favorite lesson this school year (semester) was __________, because _____________. My least favorite lesson this school year (semester) was __________, because ______________. This was (a great) OR (not great) class because __________________.
If you choose to do this, let me know! I'd love to hear your class's episodes. Thank you for reading!
November 2024